My Kids are SO Sweet
Sarcastic? Not sarcastic? You be the judge!!!

Earlier this week my eldest son came to me to say that he had thought about it and wanted to spend his own money to buy all his siblings gifts. We don't usually have the kids buy each other gifts because there are 7 kids and, well, we aren't millionaires. But he wants to do this. And he has all sorts of ideas on how to spend his own money to get the job done.

Sadly my reaction was a sort of jaw-hit-the-floor combined with deer-in-headlights. It is the WEEK before CHRISTMAS! I spend ALL YEAR trying to avoid THIS ONE WEEK, planning, organizing, making lists and spending energy I have long since exhausted out at night shopping so I don't have to go out THIS ONE WEEK to do ANY MORE SHOPPING.

A coincidental few minutes later, my youngest son walked in with the same request. Ugh. Here we go.

So as wonderful and selfless and considerate as it is that they are thinking of their siblings and have made these wonderful gift lists that really take into consideration what the siblings would like, I can't help but cringe inside (ok, outside too) at the mere thought of venturing out into the Commercial Abyss called the Week Before Christmas.

Thank goodness for Amazon. We have an Amazon Prime trial which allows us free 2-day shipping so, other than a few trading card booster packs, I was able to do ALL their last-minute purchases on Amazon and they will be arriving on my front porch tomorrow. Whew! Saved again!

Every year I try and every year SOMETHING happens that prevents me from staying out of the stores this week. I guess it is just nice that it is selfless kids and not something else.
posted by Stepping On Legos at 12/21/2006§

You are definitely doing it right to raise such sweet thoughtful kids. Have a wonderful Christmas..oh, and I love online shopping too!!
Awww I love those boys!!!! And Amazon rocks!!!! :-)

I shopped on Saturday and I will never ever ever ever do it again. I would rather shove needles in my eyes.

You are a good mom and they get their huge hearts from you! You should be proud! :-)
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