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I'm One Of Them!
I have turned into 'one of them' in more ways than one.
First of all, I am one of them. Those people (you know who you are!) that are terrific bloggers while traveling and then crash and burn once they get home. That's me! I have a lot to say but NO time to say it! It does not help any that it is the holiday season and I have out of town guests arriving in a few days. Or that pesky new baby! But we are here. In brief: - The baby is doing well. She is getting fatter and fatter! She is a great eater - eats 3 squares of solids and her full fill of formula plus a few extra ounces that I will call "catch-up" eating! haha. Also apparently "catch up" eating does not involve peas, just so you know. She is very close to crawling and can get where she wants by rolling and turning. She is VERY curious about everything and also very dexterous which is fun. She communicates with us better each week and is more expressive with her needs which makes me so happy. She also is babbling more and more and has a few "baby tricks" that she will do. Her sitting is doing well, she can support herself but can not yet play with toys while she is sitting. Soon! I do believe she is right where she should be for her age. She has a more thorough post-adoption physical on Tuesday, also the day she turns 7 months old. - The baby has an ear infection and a cold. So does Noah. He was up last night with a 105 degree fever. That was fun. Meanwhile sleep is a commodity we have yet to experience. Between Noah and Addison's jetlag and now their colds, we tag-team the kids all night and get no sleep. Ok, huge exaggeration. They are up about 3 times total between them. This is SO not a big deal. But I am DYING to get just one restorative night's sleep. Tony will take over both kids all night but I still wake up until they are both asleep 9 times out of 10 so it isn't helpful. Finally last night I brought Addison to bed with me and we drifted to sleep together. It was so lovely, I really miss having a baby in our bed. I hope she gets used to it and finds it soothing. I think she is moving in that direction. As I type, she is snuggled in our bed snoozing away. - Eczema. The baby has a killer case. We are trying to figure out the cause but of course that is almost impossible right now. I don't think she has issues with food. It is either the dogs or just the new air with the dry heat and cold of Michigan. Also she got a KILLER breakout last night but woke up with a cold so now I know another trigger...when her immune system is otherwise busy, the eczema will flare. - Thanksgiving: we had a wonderful meal with my Mom and brother. The food was great, if not on the easy-convenient side compared to years past. But I think I actually liked it BETTER than years past! So much for scratch cooking. We took the 17 lb carcass and cooked up some turkey soup. Yum. - Christmas Prep: We have had our boxes upstairs for a week and still no decorations up. Today is the day. Or tomorrow. haha. - Impending Move: We are still definitely planning to move to Texas. We have a few major goals we have to meet first and so the move might be another year or so out depending on whether or not we rent a house (vs. buying which would involve selling our current house first), whether or not Tony finds a good job, etc. My sense of urgency is huge. I don't want to wait a few more years for this. My kids are getting older every day and thinking of them spending another year or more stuck here with no good friends or options or resources makes me insane, as a parent. That brings me to the other "one of them" I am part of. The Black Friday crowd!!!!! Oh my gosh, I just live for this day. It is my favorite day of the year, far surpassing Christmas and all others. It is the only day I voluntarily wake up early for - haha. It is the only day I spend and spend and buy and buy and never feel an ounce of guilt. I plan for this day all year, I budget for it, I start scouring the black Friday ads a month or more before the actual day. I just LOVE the crowds, the people (who are generally very nice) and the deals. I love the whole thing. I am the lunatic walking around with this huge Cheshire cat grin on my face the whole day. I know it is an illness, right? But it makes me happy for one day of the year. Ok two days if you count the early thanksgiving morning sales. And, well, three if you also count the Saturday sales. Which I also hit this morning. And also in case you want to know just how sick I am, I also love driving in those hellacious snow storms where everyone stays home because 12 inches of snow on the roads is considered a hazard. Hazard-shmazard, I say! There are just certain situations that are so ultimately chaotic and insane that there is a certain zen about embracing them. I like Human Nature in these situations. I know there are Bad Eggs that show up on the evening news but mostly people are so nice, friendly and patient. We, as human beings, band together. And these times - the black Friday shopping and the snow storm driving, are maybe the only times in an entire year that people in my area are more than just civil - they are actually openly friendly and kind. So just call me One Of Them! I don't mind. But you won't see me on the evening news. I use this opportunity to practice Buddhist Mindfulness and other important habits that I should be encouraging over the yaer but that, sadly, I don't. If only it was Black Friday ever day :-) posted by Stepping On Legos at 11/25/2006§
Great post! How did I miss that you're moving to Texas?!? It's hot here, but a great place. Hope you had a great weekend and welcome home!
What's your secret to extra calories? I would love to get Molly chubbed up a bit. I put 12 months pants on her this morning and they slipped right over her diaper andto the ground... LOL - Glad to hear the news about Texas, I know you will be so happy there. (but I will miss you in MI)
CAN"T WAIT until you are here!!!! There are tons of houses for rent by me...They are a bit small for your size of family but wouldn't it be cool to live on the same street?!? Sorry to hear about the eczema flaring:( Maybe the moist air of Houston would do her some good? And sorry to hear of the sickies:( Hope you guys are doing better soon!!!
LOL on being "one of them". GL with the move even though it may not be in the immediate furture! Glad you had a nice TG and hope everyone feels better soon!
Poor baby and her skin and cold and ear infection, I'm glad she and Noah are better today (11/26). Good news on the move. For you and D. and L., not me. :-P
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We aren't even close to moving to WA yet, we need at least a year to get our house up to snuff and to get our credit debt lowered. sigh...I wanna go now! |
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